Monday 25 February 2008

Is this really happening?

I havent updated for a while now, but it all went bit quiet on the move side. I can’t believe how delayed everything has been. We were supposed to be out in Austin for the middle of January, but as it is Geoff has only just gone out for his initial trip today.

We had our official ‘interview’ (as they call it) at the American Embassy on Tuesday 12th February. Geoff and I travelled to London where we spent ages in various queues, had to sign various official documents and forms and were finger printed. There was no interviewing at all, and at the last window the man behind the glass just said he had approved us, and we would receive our passports with our visa’s within a few days – they turned up on the Friday.

When you change jobs or campanies in America its standard practice to have a drugs test before you can start employment – which is the main reason Geoff will be spending this week in Austin. Whilst he is out there he will also set up bank accounts, get used to his new desk and meet some of his colleagues, as well as checking out some houses we have been looking at on the internet. Geoff will also get the keys to, and check himself into, our new apartment. Emerson are putting us up in a rented apartment for up to 2 months, while we look for place to live, so it’s a good idea to get a head start. The apartment complex we will be staying in is called The Estate on Quarry Lake and looks very swish. I’ll add some pictures once we are there, as I’m having trouble downloading them from the website. But to give you a (very brief) idea the community amenities include a ‘high tech fitness centre’ (gym to me and you!), a spa area with jacuzzi/hot tub, 2 pools, landscaped gardens, sand volleyball court not forgetting the 16 acre natural spring lake which is the central feature of the complex and looks absolutely gorgeous.

The only problem with this particular complex is that it only has 1 & 2 bedroomed apartments and we really need 3 bedrooms because of The Twins. They are used to having their own rooms at the moment, and I’m fairly sure if we put them in the same room they would get hardly any sleep at all. I'm also sure that this is what it will be like while we are living in the complex - Thomas and Charlotte running around their room playing all night long!! So we really want to get into our own place as soon as possible in order to get settled and into a routine.

The worst thing we have had to deal with so far has been trying to sort out which airlines and airports will transport the cats with us. The airline we wanted to travel with, which flew from Birmingham and was therefore only a short drive from here, said that they would not let the cats travel with us, we had to pay from an International Pet Cargo Company (or whatever-they-are-called, it was a bit confusing) to take them. As well as buying the cargo carriers this would have cost us well over £1,000 (nearly $2,000)! After calling some other airlines we found that there were plenty that would let the cats travel with us for $110 each - much cheaper! - but they are only airlines that travel from the airports in London! So we are now travelling from Gatwick, on a Monday morning! Hell!!!

To be honest at times I have wondered what would be fairer for the cats - re homing them or taking them with us - as this journey will be horrendous for them. But Tico & Checkers are part of our family and the thought of leaving them behind just isn't an option - I'm sure that over all they would rather be with us in the end, and I'm sure they will really love lying about in the sunshine a day long!!

It has all felt a lot more real since the trip to the American Embassy, things seem to have snowballed from then. Initially very scared I went and bought a couple of books to try and get me into the whole idea of Texas, and Austin, and I’m pleased to say they seem to be working. I’m still terrified and apprehensive, but also pretty excited by what the future holds in store for my family and I. Texas sounds pretty wierd but anyone who knows me well will know that would appeal! ;-). Our house is up for rent now and our flights are booked for 10th March – that’s two weeks today! There’s no going back now, and all that’s left to do is pack!!

OMG, I’m moving to Texas!!!!!!


Lawrence said...

Hey there - sure all will be fine. The cats are in for an adventure too! Fan Club on Fri or Sat?

Linsay said...

Good luck with the packing & have a good flight. I will be thinking of you on Monday morning.
Give the twins a kiss from me & Tyler.

Lawrence said...

Hi Toni. Just to let you know we're all thinking of you. Waiting for an update but sure you must be massively busy at the moment. Give my best to Geoff and hope you're enjoying the sunshine! :-)